

The time complexity of the naive solution is . We take each position as the start left boundary, do the line search to find the right boundary between which the sub string contains all the chars in T and record the minimum window.

A better solution is that we keep a left pointer left and right pointer right, both initialized to 0. minWindow is initialzed to MAX_INT.

  • First, we increase the right pointer until S[left, right-1] contains all the chars in T
  • Second, check if (right - left) < minWindow
    • If so, record left and right and update minWindow
  • Third, we increase the left pointer by 1
  • Forth, check if S[left, right-1] fails to contain all the chars in T
    • If so,
      • If right == S.size(): END
      • Else go to First Step
    • Else, go to Second step


Running time on Leetcode OJ: 304 ms

 1 string minWindow(string S, string T) {
 2     int left = 0, right = 0;
 3     unordered_map<char, int> checkTable;
 4     unordered_map<char, queue<int> > char2pos;
 6     for (int i = 0; i < T.size(); ++ i){
 7     	if (checkTable.find(T[i]) == checkTable.end()){
 8     		char2pos[T[i]] = queue<int>();
 9     		checkTable[T[i]] = 0;
10     	}
11     	checkTable[T[i]] ++;
12     }
14     int nSpan = 0;        
15     int minWindow = 2100000000;
16     int lBound = 0, rBound = 0;
17     while(right < S.size()){
18     	while(right < S.size() && nSpan != T.size()){
19     		if (checkTable.find(S[right]) != checkTable.end()){
20     			if (char2pos[S[right]].size() < checkTable[S[right]])
21     				nSpan ++;
22     			char2pos[S[right]].push(right);
23     		}
24     		right ++;    		
25     	}
27     	while(nSpan == T.size()){
28     		if (right - left < minWindow){
29     			minWindow = (right - left);
30     			lBound = left;
31     			rBound = right;
32     		}
34     		if (checkTable.find(S[left]) != checkTable.end()){
35     			char2pos[S[left]].pop();
36     			if (char2pos[S[left]].size() < checkTable[S[left]])
37     				nSpan --;
38     		}
39     		left ++;
40     	}        	
41     }
43     return S.substr(lBound, rBound - lBound);
44 }
