
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal

Difficulty: 2.0/5.0


Obviously we should recover the BST in a recursive manner.

The pre/post-order traversal can be used to determine the current (sub)root, and then we search the root in the in-order traversal vector to find the pivot that seperates the left sub-tree and right sub-tree.

As this search has to be a linear search, it takes time for each layer. In the worst case, there can be layers. Therefore, the worst-case time complexity can be .

One interesting variation is that we know that the BST is balanced. Note that though this looks like Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree, they are different. Even the BST is balanced, we can have multiple solution, e.g., two solutions for [1, 2]. So we still need the pre/post order traversal result for uniqueness.

The good side of the BST being balanced is that we can solve the problem in , which is much faster than . The inorder-traversal array is guanranteed to be monotonic and the current root must be at the center position(s). We just need to use the pre/post-order traversal result to determine the root, when the number of nodes in the sub-tree is even (i.e., two centers).

class Solution {
    TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &preorder, vector<int> &inorder) {
        return (preorder.size())?build_tree_helper(0, 0, (int)preorder.size(), preorder, inorder):NULL;
    TreeNode * build_tree_helper( int leftPre, int leftIn , int len, vector<int> & preorder, vector<int> & inorder){
        TreeNode * pt = new TreeNode(preorder[leftPre]);
        int mid = linear_search(preorder[leftPre], inorder, leftIn, leftIn+len-1);
        int leftLen = mid - leftIn; 
        int rightLen = len - leftLen - 1;
        pt->left = (leftLen > 0)?build_tree_helper( leftPre+1, leftIn, leftLen, preorder, inorder) :NULL;
        pt->right = (rightLen > 0)?build_tree_helper(leftPre+1+leftLen, mid + 1, rightLen, preorder, inorder ):NULL;
        return pt;

    int linear_search(int target, vector<int>&inorder,int left, int right){
    	for (;left <= right; left++)
    		if (inorder[left] == target)
        		return left;
class Solution {
    TreeNode *buildTree(vector<int> &inorder, vector<int> &postorder) {
        return (postorder.size())?build_tree_helper(0, 0, (int)inorder.size(), postorder, inorder):NULL;
    TreeNode * build_tree_helper( int leftPost, int leftIn , int len, vector<int> & postorder, vector<int> & inorder){
        TreeNode * pt = new TreeNode(postorder[leftPost+len-1]);
        int mid = linear_search(postorder[leftPost+len-1], inorder, leftIn, leftIn+len-1);
        int leftLen = mid - leftIn; 
        int rightLen = len - leftLen - 1;
        pt->left = (leftLen > 0)?build_tree_helper( leftPost, leftIn, leftLen, postorder, inorder) :NULL;
        pt->right = (rightLen > 0)?build_tree_helper(leftPost+leftLen, mid + 1, rightLen, postorder, inorder ):NULL;
        return pt;

    int linear_search(int target, vector<int>&inorder,int left, int right){
        for (;left <= right; left++)
            if (inorder[left] == target)
                return left;
